Ep 16: My 3 Question Check-in to Activate More Growth and Abundance in Your Business


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Whether you're just starting out in business or you're ready to start a new chapter of growth and abundance in biz, this 3 question check in will help you get crystal clear on what's working, what's not working and what you need to do to create that next uplevel. These questions will give you the insight you need to upgrade your energy, mindset and strategy to call in the clients, opportunities and income that you're ready for. I'm so excited for the a-ha moments this process will bring for you!

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Episode Transcript (unedited)

Hello, beautiful, how are you going? I hope you're well I'm sorry, if my voice sounds a little bit weird. I've got like a funny virus. I think at the moment, I don't feel super sick. But I've just got a little bit of a sore throat. So it's not COVID done the test, thank goodness, because I had COVID Four weeks ago. Sorry, apologies if my voice sounds a bit weird. But this episode has literally just like come through as a real download. So I wanted to sit down and record it while I'm in the energy because I have the opportunity to do that because the kids out with Travis. And I'm going to be taking you through a three question check in that you can do to activate more growth and more abundance in your business. So wherever you're at in your business, this check in is going to be incredibly helpful. You could do it if you're in those very early stages, if you're just starting out and trying to figure out how to start bringing in money for the first time. But it's also going to be a really good check in if you're feeling a little bit stagnant. Or if you're sort of like, Okay, I'm ready for the next phase of growth, I'm ready to open up more spots for clients or I'm ready to launch more scalable programme that's an online course or something like that. Wherever you're at in your business, even if you're not at one of those very well defined points, if you're just like, I really feel like I need more growth. And I I'd really like to see more growth, and I really like to be creating more abundance in my business, then this check in is really, really going to help you. So let's start with our very first question, which is, where am I out of alignment in my business? And this is something I think maybe sometimes people can think alignment is this sort of woowoo idea. And there is certainly that energetic component to it. But really, when we're talking about being in alignment, what I'm talking about is, are you feeling really excited and inspired about whatever that is, in your business? Do you feel like you're able to be you? So if we're talking about your offers, for example, are you so excited about what they look like? Are you so excited about the way that you're proposing to work with

people? Does it feel like you're very safe in that in that offering in that you're not going to have to give more than you want to? Does the pricing feel good in that, you know, there's going to be that great energy exchange, you know, that you can show up 100% at the price you're giving it? Or does it feel out of alignment? Do you look at you know, if you sit down with each of your offers and go do I feel like I can fully show up in this offer the way that it is at the moment. And if you're offering something like 24/7 Voxer support or you're offering email support between sessions or you're offering a Facebook group or you're offering whatever is coming along with whatever that offer looks like if it doesn't feel 100% aligned as in if it feels like I'm like I don't really want to have a Facebook group but I think I should because I did a course like this before and they had a Facebook group or whatever it is. If you have anything like that that is out of alignment in your offers and in your business in general. Then we need to see streamline that we need to get that back into alignment before we can start to see growth. So you might also have be out of alignment in systems or processes in your business, maybe there's a system that feels like it's not really working for you, maybe there's a process that's feeling a bit clunky or overcomplicated. I've had moments before, when I've sat down and done this check in where I've had kind of a programme that was automating a process for me, and I realised, that doesn't feel good to me, I actually would prefer that to be a higher touch process. And this is the process where I bring people into my mastermind. And so I had an OBM, who set it up for me to be this very automated process where they would do this, and then the next email would get sent. And I realised that that really didn't feel good for me, even though yes, the automated thing means that that is, quote unquote, easier. It didn't feel good, because that's one of the things that's so important to me when I'm welcoming clients into my business is that I'm there, and I'm getting to know them and that they feel important and they feel cared for because they are important than they are cared for. And I felt like with this very automated system that was pretty much completely hands off from me from them, like being interested in the mastermind to them signing up for the mastermind, I decided I wanted to go back to how I was doing it before, which is where they would submit an application and I would review that myself, and then I would contact them. And it feels so much better for me to have that system in place. It just feels simpler. Even though automated is probably simpler. If we look at it objectively, that new process feels a lot simpler to me, because I really want to be involved with my clients. I'm not someone who welcomes a huge number of clients at any one time, I've purposely set up my business so that I am very, you know, drip feeding clients into my business, because it's really important to me that they feel like people are not just a number and that I have a chance to get to know every client and I know their dreams and what is important to them and exciting for them. And I get to know their business. And I have a chance to really sit down and go, Okay, this is what the business looks like. Or this is what we want it to look like. And so I can be the best coach to them, because I know exactly what's happening in their business. So that started to feel out of alignment. So I switch that and then started to see more people coming into the mastermind. And if you are interested in it, there is continuous application or I do continuous enrollment in the mastermind so that I have a chance to get to know you and your business. If you go onto my website, and I'll put the link in the show notes, then you can see what it's all about there. And you can always submit an application or you can get in touch with me on email or an Instagram if you have questions. But it's really important for you to get clear on where are you out of alignment. Maybe you're offering something that doesn't feel 100% Like you maybe your messaging doesn't feel in alignment. And I think when we're talking about alignment, what's so key is that we go back to this very foundational stuff in our business, we go back to who is my ideal client? And what am I saying to her and you might even have a slightly different ideal client for each of your offerings. So it's really worth checking in with, you know, what is my ideal client feeling when they might be interested in this type of support. And getting really clear on on what that looks like. And knowing like this is the foundational stuff, I think we often skip over I skipped over it when I first started my business because I was like, I'm just so excited, I just want to make something and and share it and sell it and make money. And without this stuff, it's that you either find that you do that you make something and you put it out there and it doesn't sell how you want it to sell or you make something and you put it together and then you put it out there. And it's hard work and you're really pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing. And that's the only way that you can kind of create money from that. And that's because you're out of alignment. That's why this alignment piece is so important. And so coming in to check in with your business, where am I out of alignment? Where am I out of alignment in my systems, in my processes in my offers? Do I know my ideal client? What is my messaging? How does that feel to me? Am I even sat down and figured out what that looks like? And if I have does that set my world on fire does that feel so potent and so exciting to share. And if there's anything that is out of alignment, it's actually such a fun thing to do to kind of sit down and start looking at your business in this way. Because what you're doing is you're shifting your business into something that is going to feel even more useful, and it's going to be more sustainable. Because if you're not in that alignment, then it's that hard work and it's that pushing and it's sacrificing and you're going into things that are draining your energy instead of nourishing your energy. Maybe it's even the way that you're showing up to work maybe at your workspace it's worth looking at all of those type of things and checking in where am I out of alignment. How can I make this business feel more aligned to me? How can I make it feel more exciting and more useful? is more authentic. Sometimes when you're in this process, it can be really helpful as well to switch off from what other people were doing in their businesses, because that can sort of influence us sometimes if we're seeing that on social media a lot that someone's doing things in a certain way to get really clear and come back to your own inner voice that, yes, this

feels really good. That's where we need to build a business from. That's how we build a business that feels easeful. That's how we build a hustle free business is not by copying what other people do. But by tuning into our inner voice on. Yes, this is what feels so right. And so exciting for me. In my business, this feels like something I can do with ease as opposed to, oh, look at that person, they've got this funnel, that's easy for them. And I'm going to try and copy that. So that's question one. Where am I out of alignment? In my business, doing that big overall check in the next question is a little bit more introspective. And you're asking yourself, How is my mindset and my energy? And this is not even just to do with your business or just to do with money? This is really to do with in general? How am I feeling? So we can go onto autopilot and go into like, I've got to work? And I've got to do all these things without actually checking in with what do I need? I think the first place to start with this question is self care. And I know that we're all a bit over self care, the idea of, or the the word self care, and the idea of people telling us to practice self care when they're mothers. And it isn't that easy to do that all the time. But it's asking yourself, like, how am I feeling? How am I going? How's my mindset in general? How's my energy and my physical energy, but also my energetic field? How am I feeling and checking in and tending to anything that needs tending? They're like, Have you got a big cry that's sitting there under the surface? And you need to kind of journal that out and let those tears come out? Are you feeling stressed? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you feeling maxed out? Are you feeling like checking in? And if you're feeling any of those things, then tending to that first and getting really clear on? What do I need to do? What kind of what can I ask for in terms of support? Who can help me make sure I have this time who can give me this extra sleep? Who can give me this chance to go and go for a walk by myself or have a massage or whatever it is that you're feeling like you need? So we're starting first with like, what does my body need? What do I physically need to feel the best that I can feel at the moment? And from there with this?

How is my mindset and energy question check in? We're also checking in with? How am I feeling in my business? You can check in with every area of your life as well, you can check in with like, how

am I feeling about the way I'm mothering at the moment? How do I feel that I'm showing up as a partner or a friend? How do I feel that I'm showing up as a family members to the people in my family and checking in with all of that stuff, because while you love your business, and I know your business is so important to you, and so is mine, it's not more important than that stuff, the business is not more important than you feeling good in yourself, your business is not more important than the connections that you have with the people that you love. Those are always number one. And you can always always prioritise those before you prioritise your business. And it's actually such a perfect habit to get into in terms of going, do I need something within myself, before I work? Do I need to attend to any of these connections and these relationships and these things that make my life rich and meaningful? Before I start my work, because then you've created a business that doesn't ever take priority over those things. And in business that has to fit where you place it on that priority ladder in terms of okay, well, I can't have a business that is interrupting me in the evenings. Because that's when I need to be with my partner. And that's our time together. Or I can't have a business that would expect me to be checking emails on the weekend, because that's the time that I spend having my own self care, that kind of thing. So if we are clear on those priorities, and I think something that worth mentioning here is that this idea sometimes that you might see or hear or read or even think yourself that your business is your baby, I think is a really unhelpful way to look at our business. It gives us the wrong perspective on our business because a baby is something that we have to cater to their needs, no matter how we're feeling. So, you know, if you're sleep deprived, and you really want to sleep, but your baby's waking up in the night, then even though you're like I really need sleep, you have to get up and look after your baby. And as you know, if you're a mom listening to this, there are a million other scenarios like that where you are Kind of juggling between what do I need them What do they need and their needs will sometimes have to come above yours. And I think if we put our business into that basket as well and go, my business is my baby, my business is something that I put energy into when sometimes I don't have the energy to put into it, or I give something that I don't necessarily even have to give to my business or that it's something that I will make big sacrifices for. And I really don't believe in making a big sacrifice in motherhood, but you kind of get what I'm saying, in terms of your business is not your baby, your business is your business. And if your business is not nourishing you, then you can change that. And you can also let go of your business if it really isn't serving you. And we obviously can't do that with our children. And I don't think any of us would ever want to do that either. Of course, we love our beautiful babies. But it's a different, it's a different perspective. So I think if you've ever gone into that way of thinking of like, my business is my baby. Or if you see people thinking that we see see that kind of narrative out there, it's not helpful, and your business is not your baby, your business is your business. Just like if you're going, you know, it's like saying my boss is my baby, or my job is my baby. And I think when you hear it like that, it's like, no, that's not that, that doesn't feel right, especially in the context of motherhood. So it's really being clear on like, the business is not my baby, the business actually is a little bit further down the priority ladder than that it's a priority. And I love it. And I will always show up in the business whenever and however I can, in a way that feels good. But it is not my baby. And it is not something that you should be sacrificing for. And it can be something that becomes a bit of a vicious cycle, where we start going into that sacrifice mode with business in terms of like, Okay, I'll do this, I'll push through this, I'll make this happen. And then we continue on in that energy. And so if you can feel like oh, yeah, my business is burning me out, my business is feeling really draining, then these checking questions are going to help you so much, because you're going to be able to kind of dial back and go, actually, this is what I want my business to feel like this is out of alignment here. This is draining on my mindset and my energy. And I need to shift that so that this business is sustainable and useful. And actually can create abundance as opposed to creating, like energy, drain and fatigue, and all these things that we really don't want to create. So you're checking in with? How is my mindset around my business? So you might want to check in like, am I placing it too far up my priorities? But also like, how's my money mindset?

How do I feel about money? Like, do I feel confident that I can make the money I want to make do I feel like, I know what I do with it if I suddenly had a big sum of money? Have I got ideas about what rich people do or look like? Or are they bad? Or are they good and all of this stuff, it's so important that we look at our money mindset when we are in business. Because everything that we feel about money that will just go into our business. So if you're feeling like, you know, you've got this idea of I want to create this programme, and I want to launch this, this offer, and that's going to be great. But then you also have this very strong belief of like, rich people or bad people, or even like, but I already have enough, isn't it greedy for me to want more, we need to work through these kinds of beliefs and this mindset stuff to allow our business to flow. And it's so exciting, I think to see that the awareness that the mindset and the energy of business is so important, and so integral to our success is becoming a little bit more mainstream, and that we're understanding that our mindset does play a huge part in it. And I know I definitely skipped over this stuff early in my business because I was like no, no, don't worry about it, just do the thing and launch it and sell it. And then I realised like I was blocking myself from creating abundance and creating the business I wanted, you might have listened to my first podcast episode where I talked about some of the mindset shifts that I went through, after becoming a mother even to create a business that could create the same amount of income in far less time, but still being able to do work that felt very aligned and very impactful and very important to me. So it's really, really key that we're having this kind of check in and going How is my mindset around my business? How is my mindset around my own self worth around the work that I do around the money that I'm creating around my business structure? How do I feel about the content that I'm creating every part of your business? So checking in? How is my mindset and energy starting off first with what do I need within myself? Like how is my personal mindset and energy and then what is my mindset and energy looking like around my family and the other things that are more of a priority than our business, your family, your loved ones your health and In, how is my mindset around my business? What are the thoughts that I'm having around my business. And I think journaling is obviously such a great way to do this, because we can take these thoughts out. And often these thoughts are things, especially when we're talking about limiting beliefs, these can be things that really kind of simmer in the background. And they affect us so much, because they're there, and we're just acting on them without even thinking about them. And sometimes journaling can be that process where you start to pull it out and go, Oh, now I can see it on paper. And you might have been writing for a few pages, and then suddenly this like insight on all that's the belief, this is what, you know, this is what is going on. In my mind. This is actually what's behind all the action that I've been trying to take in my business is that I have this one little limiting belief. And of course, I can't get anywhere if I am continuing to act from this belief. So being able to unpack these beliefs is so so powerful, and so important, please don't skip over it, I actually have a new programme that I'll be sharing very soon. I don't have a set date for it yet. But it's basically will take you through that process of identifying limiting beliefs and releasing them. I'm so excited for it. I haven't seen anything like this anywhere ever before. I've always found that limiting belief and mindset work has been very heady and like trying to use our brain to figure out where it is. And in my programme, you'll use meditations and more intuitive techniques to kind of hone in on what are these beliefs and how can I release them. And this can be really special. It's a process that I use myself, and I'm so so excited to share it with you. And it's kind of only very recently dropped in in terms of like, this is the format and this is how I can share it to make it very easy for you to use and quick and not something that's going to take up a whole lot of time and energy. So if you're listening to this going, I don't even know where to begin with my limiting beliefs. I've got something coming for you that will help you. And of course, this is something that I'm helping my one on one clients with my abundant Mama's mastermind is with all the time because every single stage of our business will come with a new limiting belief. And if we're in the habit of going, okay, what are the you know, what's my offering? What's

my launch plan? What are my beliefs around this? And working through all of that together? Then we can see that quick growth in our business. Okay, so we've checked in with where am I out of alignment in my business? How was my mindset and energy in my life? And in my business? The third question you can ask yourself, to activate more growth and abundance in your business is what support do I want to call in to give me more growth in my business. So there are so many different ways that you can get support in your business. And I think just getting support for yourself as a person is really important. I did a post on Instagram stories the other day sharing that I had had a great kinesiology session and that I really believe that everyone should have someone in their life who they go and debrief with, whether it's a counsellor or a coach, or a kinesiologist, or an energy healer, or a psychologist or whoever. But to have someone that you pay, not a friend, because it's a completely different energy exchange with someone that you pay to help you to grow as a person and to help you debrief and go through stuff that's happening in your life. So I've seen my Kinesiologist, who I think of her like, she was like a very intuitive counsellor for about eight years now. And she has helped me so much. And there have been times where like, there hasn't been much going on in my life, like there hasn't necessarily been, quote, unquote, reason for me to go and get support. But when I do, I get so much insight onto my stuff. And because she knows me, so Well, now she can really call me on my shit. And I actually had that session yesterday. And she really was just like, you know, that like, this is what you're doing. And like, she can be very clear with me and very direct with me. And it is so helpful to have somebody in your life who is just calling you on your own shit. Because it can be hard to spot yourself, it can be hard to say when you're repeating patterns from your past or from your parents and that kind of thing. So having somebody who can shine that light is so incredibly helpful. I really, also am a big believer, of course, in having a coach and your business. And you'll hear me say that and be like, well, of course,

of course you don't like you are a business coach. This is the one thing I wish I had done when I first started my business because I really tried to like muddle through. And you know, I did a course and I listen to podcasts, and I read blogs, and I was like, No, I can figure this out on my own. I can kind of see what people are doing. And I can kind of try and replicate that in my business. And it wasn't until I got a coach and I had somebody who actually could look at me and my business and helped me to get clear on what I wanted to create and could look at my goals and go okay, well this is how we can get there, that I actually saw real kind of consistent, sustained growth in my business, because you just don't know when you start out your business and you don't know what you don't know. And you also have never, for a lot of people who start an online business you haven't had a business before. I don't know what it looks like in terms of keeping motivated or keeping on top of the finances and that type of thing, or just keeping on top of like, wearing all the different hats that you wear in the early days in your business. And I wish I hadn't tried so hard to figure it out by myself, because I wasted all this energy trying to figure things out, when I could have just paid a coach or worked with a coach had them tell me and I could have put that energy into actually making an impact and growing my business. And it can be this kind of limiting belief that we have, where we're like, oh, you know, I've got to make money before I can hire a coach. And of course, you don't want to hire a coach if you actually can't afford that. But it's kind of like, if you think about any other business that you were starting, if you were starting a restaurant, if you were starting a naturopath practice, if you were starting any type of business, it would require investment upfront. And also you would be looking for somebody who's an expert, to mentor you so that your business could be successful. And sometimes I see in the online service based business that people aren't willing to do that, or people are sort of like No, no, I'll make some business like I don't think anyone will kind of open a restaurant going, I'll just I'll just say, like, I'll just open it and, and hope for the best. Like, I'll just buy the crappy tables and chairs, and I'll just bet get the crappy food, I'll just do everything we'll budget. And then when I've got enough money coming in, then I'll you know, get the stuff I actually want. And I'll invest in the mentoring that I actually need. Because if you think about it in terms of a restaurant, you're like, well, that restaurant would never go anywhere, like it would be shutting its doors in a couple of months, because it's doing everything in this really budget way. And it's not doing it in a way that is going to set it up to be a successful restaurant. And that's exactly what can happen. I think when we start out in the coaching business, or an any kind of online services business, if you're a creative or if you're a consultant or a coach, or you're a natural health practitioner, and you're starting an online an online space for your business, it can be like, No, I'll just I'll just sort of figure it out. And then you're putting out this really budget version of it and you're putting out, you don't really know what you're doing, because you haven't done that before. And that is so okay. But there are people there who you can who can help you. And I think investing in a coach to help you create the business that you want to create and not create this sort of this business that you don't really love, but you're hoping will make you enough money so that you can start to invest in help, it's really important to check in with yourself, like, am I getting the support that I need to actually be this have the success that I want to have. And then it's looking for the support that feels really aligned to you as well. And so finding somebody that you feel like resonates with the way that you want to do business, and they have a business that you feel like is aligned to what you want, it doesn't necessarily have to be the exact business that you want. And I really don't believe in that way of coaching in terms of like, Look, I've created a business that does this. And I'm going to give you my process and my formula for exactly how to have the same business as me. Because where's the alignment in that, like, where's the individuality and that it's so important that you have that support in your business. And if you are serious about growth, and you are serious about wanting to make your business work, then that's the thing to invest in, and we have such a block around it, because it's like, oh, you know, how can I? How can I spend money if I'm not making a lot of money, you've got to think about it as an investment. And sometimes you'll see coaching prices and go I can't afford it or whatever it is. And I think I kind of love that thought of I can't afford it. Because to me, it creates such an opportunity if we know how to look at it. And we can see that thought and go, Oh, that's interesting. I want that. But I just told myself, I can't afford it. But how can I afford it? What can I do? So we can flip it and start asking, well, maybe I get in touch and ask them about an extended payment plan.

Maybe I asked them about doing a shorter programme. Maybe I asked them if they've got other options that could help me that aren't so you know, high touch so they're not as high price. Maybe I can also check in and go have I told myself I can't afford something without knowing how much money I have to invest in that thing, or even how much that thing costs. I've had clients to me say like a client of mine recently was starting a podcast and she said, Oh, yeah, I'm gonna start the podcast, but I'll just edit it myself, because I can't afford the editing right now. And I was like, Do you know how much editing costs? And she was like, Well, no, I haven't looked into it. And I said, Well, do you know how much you might have to spend on something like that? And when she came up with her budget, then we could look into options and we actually found a great editor who completely fit it within her budget. So it's really, really important and I think If we say this, like I can't afford it instead of something like, oh, man, I really want that, but I can't afford it. So now I forget about it. If we see it as a question that we can use to start asking other questions, well, how can I afford it? How can I be resourceful? How can I create the funds to do the thing that I want to do, then you're never going to feel like you can't afford something in your life. And you're always going to be working towards the things that you want instead of going, Oh, that was something I wanted, but it's too expensive for me. So now I forget about it. And I don't have that thing, even though it's something that I felt like I really wanted. So it's so worth checking in with that stuff. If you're like, I gotta cut costs. I want support my business, but I can't afford him. Maybe you also need support with your kids. Maybe you need childcare support, or you need more help from family or friends. Figure out what would feel good for you around that. We don't put Locky in daycare, because that's just hasn't felt right with me not that I would ever judge anybody for using daycare, I actually think he would probably quite enjoy it. It's probably more me just being like, I just want to be with my kids a lot. So if daycare works for you, then perfect figure out like is the way that this is set up at the moment? Is that working? Well for me? Do I need to increase days reduced days? Do we need to look at hiring a nanny or a babysitter? Do I want to do a childcare swap with friends? Could I ask for more specific support from the people in my life for example, Teddy is now on two naps a day and my mother in law looks after my boys once a week on a Friday morning and she would come at kind of 9am. And then she'd take Locky out. And what that would mean is that I would still have Teddy because he needed to go down for his nap. And so I'd have him for a bit then he'd go down for a nap. And then I'd have that nap time to kind of do whatever I needed to do. And then he'd wake up and I'd hang out with him, which was really lovely to have that one on one time with him. And then my mother in law would bring Locky home and I sort of went, you know, what I would really love is for her to be able to take both of the boys now that Teddy is nearly one. So he's old enough that I feel comfortable. And you know, breastfeeding wise, it's easier that he can kind of be away from me for a few hours. And also really nice for him to start, like creating that relationship and strengthening that bond he has with my mother in law. So I said to her, you know, would it be okay, if I just message you when he wakes up from the nap. So we've got that whole kind of awake time that she could take them out to the park. And so I can actually kind of go to sleep knowing that I've got a bit of a chunk of time instead of you know, he might do a half hour nap, he might do a two hour nap, I don't know. And whatever he does is the amount of time I get. And so that's working so much better. For me that's so much more supportive for me knowing that I've got actually that chunk of time instead of like, a possible little bit of time and who knows how much it actually is. So it's worth checking in with in terms of the childcare that I've got arranged is that feeling really supportive, could it feel more supportive for me, maybe you also need support in terms of like admin in your business, maybe you need a VA, maybe you need an OPM, maybe those are things that you're working towards. And if you are working towards having a virtual assistant or an online business manager, really great to start keeping track of the tasks that you would have them do. You know, what can I ask a VA to do? I think that's the perfect first place to start if you are looking at getting that kind of support, because then you can start to be really clear on like, yep, somebody else can do this. And also, I'm going to make sure that it's a clear process. So I can hand this over really simply and easily. Maybe you need support with finances. Have you got an accountant that you really resonate with, have you got a bookkeeper? If you feel like you need one? All of those other roles in your business? Do you need somebody managing social media? Do you need podcast editing? Do you need coffee help? Do you need to get some photos done? Do you need someone to help you with scheduling your social media? Do you need someone helping you with creating content? Like really figuring out what is the support that you need in your business and getting clear on how you can make that happen? And not falling into that trap of oh, I

of course I want support, but I can't afford it. So looking at what do I need support with? And how can I make sure that I can get that? And how can I if I can't afford it right now? How can I be working towards affording that. So I hope that this check in really helps you get some clarity on what you can do to activate the growth in your business and what might be some blind spots in your business that are keeping you feeling a little bit stuck and a little bit stagnant. I know that this type of work can sometimes open up more questions. And that is so okay. And if you feel like that if you're like okay, now I'm like how do I create an offer that actually feels aligned? Or how do I start getting support? Where do I look for a great virtual assistant? What do I need to look for in a coach? How do I clear my mindset stuff? This is the perfect place for you to begin. And now that you have more questions, you can start looking for the answers to those questions and start getting clear on the things that you need to call in so that you can see that growth that you're ready to see in your business. As always, I'm here. If you'd like to jump into my Instagram DMS, if you want to send me an email, then please do if you have more questions, I'm so happy to help you. As you know, I've also got my coaching programmes my abundant Mama's mastermind, is we basically do all of this work that I've spoken about in this podcast, we do this in the initial modules of the mastermind, there are now three different options for you if you want to join to make it more affordable, and to make it easier for you to access. So I'll pop the link in the show notes. If you want to look at that. I also have one on one coaching, I am currently fully booked, but I will be releasing another one or two spots within the next month. So if you are feeling called to that, then I'll pop the link for that in the show notes as well. And you can always get in touch and say, Hey, I think I want one of those spots and put dibs on it. I've also opened up a couple of spots for one on one coaching sessions. These book up really quickly, I don't imagine there'll be many left, even at the time that this goes live. Because I did share them on Instagram the other day and had quite a few bookings come in, I think I had a look before I started recording, there's two or three over the next couple of months of these sessions. So if you do feel like you just want to sit down with me and like, let me know where you're at and see if we can map out a plan for you moving forward in your business, then this is a really great way to do it. It means you know, if you're not ready to commit to a bigger programme, or if you're not sure that you're ready to commit, then it can be a nice way for you and I to sit down, we spend an hour together on zoom on the phone. And then you've got seven days of follow up to port on Voxer voice messaging as well. So you've got different options, if you're feeling like you would like my support. But even if it's not my support that you want, I really encourage you to get the support that you need. And to do this check in to figure out where you're out of alignment. Create the business that you love, create the life that you love. It's so possible for you and that's why you're doing this. You haven't created this business to sacrifice and slave away and hustle until you burn out. You've created this business because you love what you do. And you know you have something important to share with the world. And that is so exciting. And we need to stay connected to that as we grow our businesses. Otherwise we can start off with that. And then get caught up in this machine that starts to feel like no, no, this is all very stressful. And this is all very overwhelming and hard. So I hope that this podcast episode helps you. I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys in my DMs as I always do when you pop in and chat to me about the episodes. I'll be back next week with something else to share with you and hope you have a beautiful day. Talk to you soon. Bye. Thank you so much for tuning into abundant moments with me, Amelia Anderson. If you've enjoyed this episode, I'd be so grateful if you'd leave a review and share it around. Make sure you tag me if you share on Instagram Amelia dot Anderson dot coach. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the upcoming episodes. And I'll see you next week.


Ep 17. A manifesting trick to increase your income and impact without hard work


Ep 15: Social Media Burnout & Non-Social Media Ways to Market Your Biz