Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs

Replace your limiting beliefs with an expansive abundance mindset so that you can make all of your desires a reality.

Upgrading your mindset doesn’t have to be time consuming or difficult. Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs takes the work out of mindset work.

You’ll be blown away by how such a simple process can give you a new ability to create the exact life that you want.

And the best part…you can use the Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs process again, and again, and again so that you’re continually up-levelling and experiencing more joy, connection, abundance and health in your life.

This is your forever mindset practice, sorted.

Don’t waste your precious life settling for anything less than your DREAM life…it’s time to let go of limits and step into what you really want.

Your beliefs shape your reality

Maybe you’ve heard this quote before, but do you know how true it really is?

Our beliefs are the filter through which we see the world. We all subconsciously look for evidence to confirm these beliefs all the time.

If you believe you’re missing some kind of ‘X factor’ that makes people wealthy or popular, you’ll subconsciously sabotage any actions that will bring you success in order to confirm these beliefs.

This could look like procrastination, constantly switching projects or not seeing through your launch. If you’re stuck in a pattern of never quite getting the results you want, your belief system needs an upgrade.

Our beliefs directly influence the actions we take and our actions are the only things that can create amazing joy, connection, wealth and health…or the lack of these things.

In Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs, I’m going to show you how to harness the power of your belief system to create a life overflowing with joy, love, wealth and health.


In Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs, you’ll tap into your subconscious and intuitive mind to:

1. Identify the limiting belief that you’re ready to shift right now

2. Release the mental, emotional and energetic imprints of that belief

3. Identify a new expansive and abundant belief

4. Reprogram your subconscious mind and embody your new belief

Then, you’ll be supported to take aligned action until you can see this new belief become your new reality.

It’s simple…and insanely effective.

The first step in the journey to your big beautiful dreams is mastering your mindset and truly BELIEVING that what you want is possible.


What is the course format?
Most of the ‘work’ of Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs is done during a daily meditation/visualisation exercise. There may be a short reflection or journaling practice included on some days. You’ll focus on shedding one limiting belief and embodying a new belief in it’s place at a time which will take around 14 days. Then you can move onto the next belief upgrade using the process again when you’re ready so you never stop upgrading your belief systems and your life.

How much time will it take?
You’ll only need to invest 10-15minutes a day, 5-7 days a week to experience deep insight and powerful mindset upgrades.

What if I don’t know how to or don’t like meditating?
All mediations are fully guided so no experience is necessary! Amelia has converted many non-meditators with her meditation style - you’ll be guided through visualisations and receive intuitive guidance guaranteed to keep your attention and focus.

Whats included:
- 14 Day Bye Bye Limiting Beliefs Process Guide
- Identify Your Limiting Beliefs Meditation
- Release Your Limiting Beliefs Meditation
- Identify Your New Belief Meditation
- Integrate & Embody Your New Belief Meditation
+ Journal prompts to connect with deeper clarity around your beliefs
+ Releasing rituals and practices to support shifting limiting beliefs
+ Embodiment practices to physically and energetically integrate new beliefs in your body

I am confident this course will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Without your limiting beliefs in the way, ANYTHING becomes possible.

For the value you’ll experience from this course, the price is minuscule! But it is my belief that this important, deep work should be financially accessible.

About Amelia

Amelia is a Life and Business Coach and Meditation Guide based in Perth, Australia where she lives with her husband, two sons, pet dachshund and four pet chickens. Amelia has an Honours degree in Psychology as well as number of qualifications in coaching, meditation, manifestation, energy healing, marketing and different therapeutic modalities.

Amelia started coaching in 2013 and has since worked with thousands of women both in 1:1 coaching programs and groups, supporting them to find more purpose and joy in their lives and more freedom and abundance in their businesses. She now works with clients all over the world, through her life coaching, business coaching and online courses.

Amelia is known for her no-fluff, soulful and deeply compassionate approach to supporting her clients.

Learn more about Amelia and her specific qualifications and experience here.