Align & Amplify: Meditations for Manifestation

Align & Amplify: Meditations for Manifestation

Deepen your meditation practice and manifest your dreams into reality with this powerful collection of guided meditations and visualisation by Amelia, set to beautiful 432hz binaural meditation music that activates nervous system regulation.

Amelia is trained in psychology, mindfulness, and energy healing and has worked as a holistic life and business coach and meditation guide for over a decade. Since she started leading meditations in 2014, Amelia has converted hundreds non-meditators and tamed countless busy minds with her signature style of soulful, absorbing, uplifting meditations. Each meditation in this series will support you to raise your vibration, clear any stagnant or stuck energy and manifest your desired into reality.

Ranging in length from 2 to 25 minutes, you’ll be able to find a meditation that you can practice even on your busiest days as well as deeper embodiment and visualisation practices designed to bring you clarity on your path and make you a powerful manifestor.

We suggest practicing as close to daily as you can and selecting your meditation intuitively - simply go with the meditation that resonates with what you need in that moment.

Meditations included on this album:

  1. Quick Reset - regulate your nervous system in just a few minutes

  2. Energy Clearing Shower - use this meditation to transform your daily shower into a powerful energy clearing

  3. Calming Breath - drop out of stress and overwhelm

  4. Let Go of Overthinking - stop racing thoughts in their tracks and come back to calm

  5. Full Moon Release - a powerful meditation to practice at the full moon to release any energy or situations that no longer serve you

  6. New Moon Intentions - harness the power of a New Moon to set intentions and manifest them into reality

  7. Energetic Cord Cutting - a must-have meditation for releasing relationships or past hurts on an energetic level

  8. Gratitude - embody the magnetic and healing vibration of true gratitude - this is another level of gratitude practice that will activate a flow of abundance into your life

  9. Daily Intention - create a focus and set yourself up to manifest on autopilot, all day

  10. Manifestation Activation - activate your manifestation on an energetic level so you can attract what you really want with ease

  11. Soul Goal Clarity - get clarity on your soul purpose in this life time

  12. Goal Visualisation - visualise achieving a goal you’re working on and co-create incredible results with the Universe

  13. Grounding - deeply connect to your body and the earth, perfect for busy times or soothing scattered thoughts

  14. Tune in to Soul Guidance - feeling unsure of what’s next? This meditation will connect you to your intuition and give you the answers you’re seeking

  15. Activate Soul Power - activate your natural power to attract what you want into your life

  16. Intention Setting & Embodiment - set your intention and activate an embodied experience of your desires so you can BE the best version of you

  17. Relaxation Visualisation - powerful, deeply healing and restorative, this meditation will soothe your heart, mind and soul. Perfect for pre-menstrual anxiety or fatigue

  18. Future Self Exploration - a deeply comforting and illuminating meditation where you’ll meet your future self to gain clarity and ask for guidance on creating the life you dream of

Happy meditating beautiful!