Ep 22. The three things that make your strategy unstoppable


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So success in business is as simple as having a great strategy - right? Almost! In this episode I’ll share the three things you need to do to make your strategy unstoppable. The way we implement our strategy (and how we feel about it) matters!

In this episode I share:
- Why your strategy may not be working as well as it could be
- A MASSIVE strategy mistake I made early on in my business
- How to create a success mindset
- How to create clear and magnetic energy around your business and marketing
- How to make sure your strategy makes business easeful and fun
And lots more!

Can’t wait to here your takeaways from this episode!

Xx Amelia

Mentioned this episode:
Book: Turning Pro by Stephen Pressfield
Podcast episode on creating your aligned strategy here.

Join my email gang (and get my free Ideal Client Connection Meditation) here.

Want to work with me to grow your aligned, abundant and motherhood-friendly business?
Learn more about the Abundant Mamas Mastermind here.
Learn more about 1:1 Business Coaching here.
Schedule a Clarity & Alignment Coaching Session here.

Connect: Instagram @amelia.anderson.coach
Email hello@ameliaanderson.net


Episode Transcript (unedited)

Hello, beautiful. Welcome back to abundant Mama's. So today, we're going to be talking about the things that you need to make your strategy a success. A little while ago, I did an episode on creating your align marketing strategy. So if you haven't listened to that, it's a really great accompaniment to this episode, you can listen to this one first or that one, first, it won't make a huge difference, I'm going to pop a link for that in the show notes so that it's right there. So you can kind of pair up these three episodes. And hopefully that will give you a really great kind of pathway forward with your marketing and your business. So aside from the strategy itself, being something that creates a beautiful flow, or a beautiful customer journey, or client journey into your business, of course, we you know, it has to have the steps within it that work really well. And that make perfect sense. And that make it easy for people to be welcomed into your business as a client or a customer. There are also things outside of that strategy itself that I have found in my years of business are so key to a strategy being successful. There are so many different ways that we can bring people into our business, there are a million different strategies. And all of them can be successful, we don't have to do things a certain way, we don't have to do things, the way that anybody else is doing them we

can do literally, we can be the first person ever to do things the way that we're doing in our business. And it can be beautiful, successful. But alongside that strategy being designed well, we need to make sure that we have a really good kind of mindset and a good energy flow around that strategy. And so today, I'm going to be talking through the three things that I have found to be 100% essential when it comes to the success of a strategy. So you've got a great strategy. And then you need these three things. The three things are unique commitment, you need to believe in your strategy, and you need to enjoy it. So I'm going to talk through these and help you to figure out if in your business is the strategy, something that you're committing to and you believe in and you're enjoying, or is are there tweaks that you could make, so that your strategy is going to have an even better success rate. I'll give you a little history on my experiences strategy. Initially, very early in my business, I was so so resistant to the idea of strategy, I wanted things to happen really quickly. And the idea of setting up a strategy and carrying it out just felt like it was going to take too long. And I always did things in a very ad hoc way, I'd sort of come up with an idea and I'd share it and I'd run things like that very like off the cuff. And it definitely worked for me to an extent. And especially when I didn't have children, and I had plenty of time where I could kind of jump into things. And I could really feel that bolt of inspiration come through, and I could ride that wave and, you know, share things from that place. Whereas now that I'm a mom, I don't have this big expanse of time, all day, every day to be in my business, I don't want to be in my business all the time, either. Like, I spend the vast, vast majority of my time with my children, and my husband. And that is how I want my life to be. So I've created more structure and more strategy. And even before I had kids, when I got to a point where I was like, No, I really want to be able to like rely on this business, I want to feel like I can predict how much money is going to come in, I want to feel like I'm going to be able to know exactly how I'm going to show up. And that's when I started to actually use strategy. My business, I worked with a business coach who helped me to create the strategy. And that was really powerful, because it meant that suddenly I stopped sort of going, you know, being completely in this flow. And I gave myself structure. But it actually allowed me to find even more flow. Because I didn't have to worry about okay, well, you know, how am I going to get another client? Or how am I going to do this? Or what am I going to launch it just gave me the ability to go no, this is this is what my stroke strategy looks like. This is kind of the container that I have to share my magic in to connect with my intuition and share the insight that's coming through, I can do it all within this container. So instead of having this big, you know, buffet of possibilities of things that I could be doing in my business each day, I kind of narrowed it down to things that felt really aligned and continue to do that. And that was my strategy. That probably sounds very vague and I'm sorry about that. Strategies are so different for everyone that I always hesitate to share kind of a specific strategy like you could do X Y Zed because I think it can cloud the our view of what it is that we want to be doing. So, anyway, I started working with strategy more, a few years before I had Locky and I found so so much freedom in that and also There's so much freedom in kind of, you know, building a waitlist of clients and knowing that I was, you know, when I wanted to have money come into the business, I would just open up spots to the waitlist. And that would happen instead of it being something that was like, gosh, I hope I get an inquiry or I throw an Instagram post. And hopefully that does the trick. And I think it's, it can sometimes be how we get disheartened in our business when we don't have strategy because we're throwing things out there. We're not getting an immediate response. We're not getting immediate feedback. I know that early in my business when I wanted to launch something or share something. If I did one Instagram post on it, and there wasn't an amazing reaction and people saying, Oh, my God, yes, I want to do that and sign me up, then I'd be like, Oh, no, nobody wants to do that. That must be a bad idea. And what experience has taught me is that that is not the case. Of course, not everyone sees every Instagram post. And not not everyone is ready to sign up at the very first mention of something. And sometimes that's why strategy is so helpful, because it gives us a way to see the path forward and see how we can continue to build the energy and the excitement around something that we're offering, and continue to build the energy of our business through consistent action. And consistency is another thing that I have never loved. I don't like have been told what to do in general. And I don't like being told that I have to do the same thing every day. I'm a manifesting generator in human design. And I love freshness, I love newness, I

love being able to do what I feel called to do. And, to me strategy has helped me find a really great balance between that but also being really purposeful in my business and being able to create a business that feels safe, and feels consistent instead of something that feels like Oh, my God, who knows where the money is coming from. And I'll just throw something out there. And if it doesn't work, then I feel really disappointed. But now I'm like, well throw something out there. But I can see that. It's not all resting on one Instagram post or one email, or however I've communicated something, this is a whole strategy. There's a whole process to this. And I will continue to share about this. And I'll continue to share from a very aligned, very heartfelt place. But within a strategy so that I can see I'm going to continue showing up. So if not everyone jumps on board the very first second, that's fine, because I'm going to give people more opportunities to continue to come and join me I'm going to continue sharing, I'm going to trust that they might take need to hear from me a few times before they're ready to lock something in. And a strategy has given me the space that I can see how that will work. And it does work. It's amazing what happens when you commit to a strategy. So that kind of brings me to my first point about how you can make your strategy a success. And that is by committing to it. So by committing to something committing to showing up within that strategy, and I always like to design my strategies with my clients and for myself, in a way that is really it leaves room for you to have inspiration and it leaves room for connection, it leaves room for you to follow the things that happened to be on your heart that day. But it also forms it all into a bigger picture so that you're continuing to move your business forward in a consistent way, as opposed to following every nudge and then coming across and feeling within yourself as well really scattered. And really like you're throwing stuff out there. And people like oh, he's talking about that last week. And now she's talking about this, this this week, and what you know, I don't I can't really make sense of her. So I'm going to stop following her because like, it's not a very strong vibe that I'm getting. We know how noisy the online world is right now. And people I think I've had many, many of my clients say to me, like, how do I stand out? And I think by being you is the best way to stand out and we can actually put you into a strategy and go, What are your messages? What do we need to know? What do we need to include in there so that when you're showing up and being you that's coming across in a really consistent way that people are going to resonate with and people are going to be able to get real clarity from you and your energy. So it's amazing the the their way that putting some structure in your business gives you actually more opportunity to be you and more opportunity to find flow in your business. So committing to a strategy is so important going I've designed the strategy and maybe it's a three month strategy. I like to do things in quarters in my business. So maybe it's a quarterly business, sometimes you want to give strategy a little bit more space. Sometimes you don't feel like you need that much time. So it will all depend on what it is the strategy is doing, what you're trying to sell or what you're trying to create with that strategy as to how long it goes for. But going I'm going to see this through I'm going to carry out the parts that need to carry out. And by doing that you're really showing up in this like, professional way. And there's a book that I read very early on in my business called Turning Pro. I can't remember the author right now I'll try and find a link for it. And I'll pop it in the show notes as well. And this book is all about, like taking this professional mindset. And I think it's so important that we kind of treat our businesses like businesses, especially in this phase of life as mums, I think we can get into the habit of going oh, you know, it's a bit of a side thing, I get a bit of extra money that's nice to have, it's not a must have. And, or it's, you know,

it's just a bit of a hobby or like, obviously, I'm, I'm like a mum right now. So I can't really do that much in my business, or I won't be making big money in my business. And before we've even started doing anything, we've kind of reduced the potential of our business down to almost nothing, because we're like, oh, you know, I'm not really going serious in my business. That's 100%, a mindset thing. And there is no harm in having the mindset of like, this business is going to be amazing, it's going to help me feel more me it's going to help me to create incredible abundance, abundance, beautiful freedom for my family, it's not going to take away from my life, it's actually going to add to my life, and it's going to be easy for me, and it's going to be great. And it's going to be something that is real and is fully professional and totally like and when I say professional, I don't mean that you have to have everything perfect, or like, you know, the perfect website, or the perfect Instagram or anything like that. But professional in terms of the way that you approach it, and you're going alright, well, I'm going to like manage my finances, like I would manage my business, if it was bringing in 10 times what I'm bringing in this month and giving, giving your kind of business that respect and that honouring the fact that I you want it to be something that's profitable, and honouring the fact that you want it to be something that is fulfilling and kind of treating it as you mean to go on. I think sometimes we have like this big vision, and it's like, Oh, I know exactly where I want my business to go and what that looks like. But when we first start out, we were a bit afraid of failing. So we go well, I'll just say it's a bit of a hobby, or call it a side hustle. So that I don't really have to go all in on it. And when if I'm doing that, then if I fail, it doesn't really matter, because I'm not really going all in but then you've basically taken that envision off the table, because the in that envision your business is a real thing that you treat with respect and that you treat like it's a like it's a real business because it is, as opposed to something that is just something on the side. And you're sort of, you know, being ad hoc. And I think strategy is one of those things that is part of a real business. And even if you feel like you're making next to no money, and you're just working a couple of hours a week, take the time to create a strategy to take the time to give your business that respect. And to honour the fact that you are creating something bigger here, even if it doesn't feel like you're moving towards that at lightspeed at the moment that you are creating something. So it's committing to the strategy. And really, by that I mean, by carrying out the strategy by making a decision by doing the planning, and then carrying out the strategy, doing the things that you need to do seeing it through to the end. And then allowing the results to come not expecting results instantly. Even though of course that can definitely happen. But going through the motions of the strategy that you've designed so that you can see the full potential and the full results that that strategy can create. So the next thing I believe is completely essential to your strategy being a success is that you 100% Believe in it. And I think this can sometimes be a little bit tricky when you're starting out or if you're kind of doing it on your own, and you haven't created a strategy before. And a lot of the time when we're in business. It's not because necessarily we have been business people in a past life or we have that training or background. It's because we have a unique set of skills that we want to share with the world. So maybe it's energy healing, maybe you're a naturopath, maybe you're a designer of some sort, maybe you starting a business on parenting or anything, you know, all of these different things that are our unique skills in our unique magic that we're ready to share with the world but doesn't necessarily equate to business knowledge. And so what we can do is sort of create a strategy or feel like we're, you know, trying to be a bit more strategic about the things that we're doing. But because we don't have that background or that experience, can be really hard to back that strategy. And I think if you've got that in the back of your head kind of going is this ever going to work? Is this a good strategy or have I missed something? Is my messaging super clear? Is this doing actually what I need it to do? Could I be more efficient? Could something else be more effective, then it's really powerful to have another pair of eyes and ears and heart and soul and your business that can look at it from the outside and go, yes, this makes sense. Yes, the strategy has everything it needs, your messaging is really clear, and can also see the blind spots that we just can't see in our business, like, you know, where does this offering actually fit into all of your other offerings? Or what's this, you know, are we are we leaving some kind of important message on the table when we're creating your strategy? That's where coaching often comes in. This

is one of the reasons why I work with a coach and have always worked with a coach in my business, because to have that outside point of view is incredibly invaluable. And especially when it comes to strategy to have an outside point of view, go, yes, this all looks good, and offer you feedback and offer you advice and say, Let's include bear. So why don't we maximise this by doing x y Zed? Or why don't we, you know, repeat this and reproduce it over here and, you know, help you to be more strategic and more efficient, and just more effective with the strategy that you create, it's incredibly powerful to have a coach that can support you to do that. So usually, when my clients come to me, they will have a goal of some sort in their business. And their goal would be getting booked with fully, you know, getting fully booked with clients, their goal might be getting a new programme, putting a new programme together and launching that it might be starting their business and sort of building the foundation of the business in terms of creating that beautiful alignment, and then creating all of the different things that we create at the start of a business like website and programmes and starting to build an audience and starting to build their their kind of expertise in an area. So they'll come to me with some kind of goal in mind. And what I'll help them to do is we design the strategy itself, that will get them to that goal. But also, I help them believe in that strategy. Because I can tell them Yep, I've seen this kind of thing work before or yes, this makes sense, or even just be somebody going. Yep, with all the tweaks and all the kinds of designing that we've done in this strategy, this is something that will work to have somebody who knows what they're talking about, say that to you can really help you to believe in your strategy. So if you're working with a strategy or thinking about working with it, it might be worth having some another pair of eyes on it just to give you that feedback, somebody that knows what they're talking about, to help you to 100% believe in the strategy because even if you're committed to it, if there's a part of you, that's like, it might not work, or maybe this is wrong, or maybe I'm I'm not, you know, doing this completely right, then it's going to be really hard for that strategy to work, you can feel immediately, even as I say that, I think I can feel how unclear that energy becomes when we have that doubt around our strategy. Or when we have that kind of those reservations of like, Is this even the right thing, the strategy, the kind of air gets taken out of its sails. Whereas if we're looking at our strategy, and going, this is amazing, this is so powerful. And I'm so excited to see how this works. And I can't wait to, to just do it and know that it's going to work. And we have that real knowing that Yep, this is going to work for me, then the energy is so clear. And it's so incredibly powerful. It also means our mindset is not like, is it going to work? Or is my business going to be a success or not? It's just like, when and how. And that's all we're thinking about. And those things are all part of that success mindset that we need in order to be successful in our business. And the final thing that I find is so essential for strategy is that you enjoy it. This is one of the big reasons that I never do cookie cutter anything in my business with my clients, I would never say to one client, oh, you know, my other clients use this strategy. Let's just use that one that's worked really well. Or here's a strategy I've used in my business. Why don't you just do that too. Because they might not enjoy it. All my clients and myself, we have different strengths. We have different things that that come really naturally to us. And it's so important that your strategy harnesses those so that you can enjoy it. If you're someone who thinks the idea of like dancing on Instagram reels is literally your worst nightmare. And you don't want to be doing that, then maybe we won't have that as part of your strategy. Or definitely we won't have that as part of your strategy. Because it doesn't light you up and it's going to feel exhausting, it's going to be something that you put off, it's going to be something that you don't want to do whereas if that kind of performing is come so naturally to you and it's so fun and enjoyable, then hell yeah, we're

putting that in your strategy so that you can get your groove on and love it as part of your strategy. So same with like if writing comes really naturally to you. Great, let's put some long form content As part of your strategy, some blog posts or an ebook, or whatever it is into your strategy, if writing feels clunky and hard to you, but you love doing video, or you love doing audio, and let's make sure all of that is part of your strategy. If you love talking about XYZ, then let's make that part of your strategy. If you like taking beautiful photos, then let's work that in like, if you if it comes really naturally to you to do things off the cuff, then we'll work that into your strategy. If you prefer, prefer to be more scripted and pre prepared, then we'll make that part of your strategy. And you know, if you prefer to connect with people in person, let's put that in the strategy. If you'd prefer to do everything online, we'll put it in if automation feels great to you, perfect, we'll put that in if doing things more manually feels good. That's going to go in the strategy. It's so dependent on what your strengths are, so that you can enjoy it so that you can look at this strategy and go, This is mine. And this feels so good to me. And I cannot wait to show up in my business every week, and do the things that this strategy needs me to do in order for it to work. That's how we want to feel. And then all of a sudden strategy doesn't feel like this big constrictive thing, it actually feels like this thing that is allowing us to do the things that light us up, allowing us to do the things that come really naturally to us, instead of doing all the things that we feel like we should be doing, or we have to do, because somebody else is doing them, or some course or coach has told us that that's what we have to do in order to be successful. Being you is so, so essential to your success in business. And you can tell that you're being you in business, if you're having fun, and you're enjoying it, and it feels easy for you. And it feels like Oh, how exciting, I get to sit down today. And I'm going to create this pillar piece of content. That's part of my strategy. And that all feels really exciting and peaceful and joyful for you, then you know that you're on the right track. So I hope that this has helped you to look at strategy in a different way and maybe feel like it's something that you could embrace a little bit more if it's something that you've been resistant to, like I used to be. I hope that it's helped you feel like it doesn't have to be hard work either. Because it really, really doesn't, it can be something that is fun and enjoyable. Use your magic, that's what you're here to do. You don't have to try and do anything that doesn't feel good for you. But you can still be strategic in your business while you're doing that. So, as always, I'm so happy to continue this conversation in my Instagram DMS or shoot me an email. I really really love hearing from you guys. It absolutely means the world when you take the time to leave a review on the podcast, or when you share it on Instagram. It totally makes my day so appreciate you for tuning in and being here. I'll let you go and I'll see you again next week. Bye


Ep 23. Mastering joyful, easeful, soulful sales


Ep 21. Expansion Affirmations for Business & Motherhood